about alex

Alex Weber is an International Keynote Speaker on Leadership and Peak Performance, a competitor on American Ninja Warrior, and an Award-Winning Entertainer for NBC, and more!

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About Alex Image

Alex is also an acclaimed Author, World Record Holder, and one of the youngest Coaches ever to win US Lacrosse Coach of the Year Honors.

But he also knows what it feels like to hit challenges, self-doubt, pressures, uncertainty, and failures - and how you can overcome them!  It's his genuine understanding of leadership, peak performance and peak challenges, mixed with entertaining stories and actionable strategies that makes Alex connect so well with audiences right away - and leave a lasting impact. With his contagious energy, positive passion, and uplifting humor, Alex shares his game-changing secrets to record-breaking success, and will be the human shot of espresso to make your audience come alive!

Alex's Pillars

Alex's Pillars

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Your Self Belief Matters

You can have the best strategies in the world, but if you don’t also address core fears and limiting beliefs, those “winning” strategies can fall flat for you and your team. Cultivating unwavering confidence is not only essential, but a practice that requires ongoing commitment and dedication.

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Other People Matter

Your greatest success will happen not in spite of people but because of people. Championing and developing other people will allow you to achieve beyond your wildest expectations, while serving others. Focusing on other people will also help you dismantle your fears and limiting beliefs, while expanding your ability to do things you didn’t think you could do.

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Your Energy Matters

Your energy is contagious. How you choose to respond to what happens to you is everything. By choosing to be a force of positive energy -- that is resourceful, optimistic, and productive -- you can be truly resilient, rising quickly from challenges, heroically overcoming obstacles, and most importantly living a courageous life that is an inspiration to everyone around you.

Did you know that in addition to being awarded US Lacrosse Coach of the Year and winning Championships,
Alex is also a graduate of Cornell's Psychology of Leadership program!

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Alex Weber, Be the Unstoppable You